
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Yummy Ojai Pixie Tangerines PLUS 2 Recipes!

I have always loved oranges.  In fact, if you've been following my posts for a while you'll remember how I ate them daily when coming home from school as a child.  I shared this in my post The Art of Eating an Orange.  So when Melissa's Produce sent me a bag of these adorable tiny seedless Ojai Pixie Tangerines I was so excited.  Their skins, are easy to peel like a tangerine, with each segment of these tiny morsels so sweet and juicy with a hint of mandarin in every bite. YUM!  Fortunately there was more than enough to enjoy eating them in the raw, while still having plenty to play with in recipes.

My first thought was to make Dreamsicles, a childhood favorite of mine, a blend of vanilla ice cream and orange sherbet. I loved those little push-ups?  Do you remember them? 

Since I had a large batch of plastic push-up containers this would be the perfect recipe to create, except for one thing.  I knew if  I made them full fat, like I had as a child, they would sit in my freezer.  Since we try desperately to watch our calories and fat intake these would have to be modified and waistline friendly. 

My low-cal Dreamsicle version recipe is posted below, an adaptation of Orange Popsicle Ice Cream from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz.  If you are looking for the real deal I have David's version in blue print.

Don't forget to also check out the second recipe I posted, Sea Bass with Strawberry Tangerine Salsa, following the Orange Popsicle ice Cream Push-Ups below.

Orange Popsicle Ice Cream Push-Ups
(adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz)

2 teaspoons agave nectar  ⅔cup sugar
Grated zest of 3 Ojai Pixie Tangerines (oranges)
1¼ cups freshly squeezed Ojai Pixie Tangerines (approx. 7 tangerines) orange juice (from 4 or 5 large oranges)
2 cups 0% Greek Yogurt  or 1 cup sour cream and ½ cup half-and-half
2 teaspoons Grand Marnier or another orange liqueur

Directions: (if doing the full fat version substitute with the red print)

In a blender or food processor, combine the agave and  tangerine zest; pulse the mixture until it's well blended and zest is pulverized. Add  tangerine juice, greek yogurt, and orange liqueur. Blend well until the mixture is smooth. Chill thoroughly in the refrigerator. Freeze in an ice cream maker (for about 10 minutes if placing in push-up containers) or according to the manufacturer's instructions if making regular scoop ice cream.

Spoon into pastry bag,

then twist the top and cut the tip, squeezing ice cream into push-up containers.

Place lids on top and place in freezer until frozen and ready to serve.
Note: If pouring in push-up containers it's easier, in my opinion, if you swirl ingredients in the ice cream maker to firm slightly before adding to push pops.  However, if you don't have an ice cream machine you can simply add directly to containers and freezer until firm.

Adding the liqueur is necessary.  This insures that the ice cream doesn't freeze solid. You can substitue vodka as well or whatever you prefer.

What I'd Change:  I found the zest of the Ojai Pixie Tangerine to be more bitter than that of a regular orange.  I was very careful when zesting however the skin is so thin that I think the bitter flavor comes right through.  When making the next time I will omit the zest.

Although I thought my low-cal version was delicious, it still doesn't compare to the full fat Dreamsicle version but hey it's a fraction of the calories!

Alternative:  If you don't have push-up containers pour ice cream into small paper cups; cover with foil, poking popsicle sticks through center of foil to keep upright and centered.  Freeze until firm. Peel off the paper cups before serving.) 

Yields: About 1 quart or 8 Push-Up Pops

Sea Bass with Strawberry Tangerine Salsa

In addition, one of my all time favorite recipes is my Sea Bass with Strawberry Orange Salsa.  Our local newspaper posted an article several years ago about "At Home with Vicki Bensinger" sharing this recipe.  Since I planned on making Sea Bass the other night, I decided to make this dish using some of my Ojai Pixie Tangerines in place of the traditional oranges. I liked the flavor they brought to this dish even better.

This recipe is perfect for your upcoming BBQ, Father's Day or Memorial Day celebration.  It's light quick to prepare and delicious.  I know you'll love it, especially using the Ojai Pixie Tangerines.  Remember to check here, in the lower left, for a store that carries them near you.  If they don't carry them, Melissa's says to ask the produce manager and they will get them for you.

Sea Bass with Strawberry Tangerine Salsa
Serves 6


2 pounds Sea Bass fillets, cut into 6 pieces (with skin on if grilling)

Strawberry Orange Salsa

4 Ojai Pixie Tangerines, segmented and diced
1 cup fresh strawberries, stemmed and diced
1/2 - 1 jalepeno chili, stemmed, seeded and minced
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint or fresh basil leaves
2 Tbsp. lime juice
1-2 tsp. honey

Peel the Ojai Pixie Tangerines  and remove all the white pith (it has a bitter taste). Section the tangerines and dice. Transfer the diced tangerines to a bowl with the strawberries, jalapenos, onions, mint (or basil) and lime juice. Add honey and salt to taste, then blend together. Cover and chill for at least an hour to let the flavors come together.

Grill Method:

Heat grill to medium heat and place Sea Bass, skin side down on the grates. (If the skin has been removed be sure to rub the fish with oil before placing on grates).  Cover and cook for approximately 20 minutes.  You'll know it's done when you place the tip of a knife or fork into the meat and it separates easily - the center will be opaque.

Poaching Method:

Rinse the fish in cold water. Measure the thickness of the fish and pour water into a deep skillet or saute pan to measure twice that thickness. Bring the water to a boil, add the sea bass, cover the pan and remove it from the heat. Let stand until the fish is opaque in the center approximately 20 minutes.

Lift the fish from the pan with a slotted spatula and drain, arrange on individual plates. Spoon the salsa with its juice over the fish and serve immediately.

For those of you that have a fear of cooking fish, this method is tried and true. It always comes out perfect.

I hope you will try both of my recipes using the Ojai Pixie Tangerines, but don't forget to try the in the raw as well.  They're simply delicious!


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