
Thursday 10 May 2012

BMT Tower Salad

Back in March I posted a Roasted Beets and Butternut Squash Salad.  I mentioned then that I stopped eating beets for quite sometime but then recently rediscovered them roasted and fell in love.  In that post I roasted the beets myself which is fun but takes time and can be messy. 

Do you prefer to whip your meals up quickly without lacking that sensational taste?  You can create that same salad or the beautiful tower above using Melissa's Beets

I love making things from scratch and often do because I think it just tastes best that way.  However, I have to say Melissa's Beets tasted exactly like mine did.  No funny taste from packaging or coating, but like they just came from the oven with time to chill - all natural, with no additives or preservatives too.

Beets have a host of health benefits that you can review on my recent post, making them an ideal choice to add to your daily menu.

The recipe above was so simple, all the better for those days on the run or if company's coming unexpectedly for dinner.

BMT Tower
serves 4


1 package of Fresh Mozzarella ball
1 large Heirloom Yellow Tomato


Slice each - Mozzarella, Beet and Tomato in 1/2 inch slices
Layer, starting with the tomato on the bottom, then beet slice, mozzarella and continue for a second layer.
Surround with Baby Arugula

Top with Champagne Vinaigrette or dressing of choice.  I like this dressing because it compliments the flavors of the salad without overpowering it.

Champagne Vinaigrette
serves 4

6 tbsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbsp. Champagne Vinegar
2 tsp. honey
1 tsp. Grey Poupon
salt & pepper to taste
Blend and serve over salad.
Simple, quick and elegant!  What more could you ask for.

Don't forget to check out  my previous posts using Melissa's fabulous Produce.

Super PowerBowl
Cherimoya - Orgasmic and Addicting

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