
Thursday 8 September 2011

I won the Versatile Blogger Award!

It's funny how you discover new places to visit each time on the computer.  Over the years I've made many new friends online, the majority I've never had the pleasure to meet in person.  However, we've found each other in cyberspace and share commonalities that keep us chatting with each other and sharing ideas.

As you know I write a food blog, so I've met lots of other foodies along with crafters, beaders, moms, photographers, etc., all things that I'm interested in or have in common with.

This summer I found Ann's site Cooking Healthy for Me.  I've never met Ann personally but I adore her.  She's sweet, kind, thoughtful and works hard to prepare healthy food for herself and family in an effort to maintain a healthy body and lose weight.  So far she has lost 21 pounds - way to go Ann!  She loves Cooking Light books and magazines, where many of her recipes come from.  Although we've never met, I feel like I've found a friend.  I'm sure you'll feel that way as well once you visit her site. 

Ann awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award - Thank you Ann, I feel honored!

The rules of the Versatile Blogger are as follows:
  1. Thank the person who awarded you, and link back to their site.
  2. Share seven things about yourself
  3. Pass the award along to fifteen bloggers you've discovered and read
Thank you Ann for the award.  Now for the hard part - 7 things about me.

1. I have 2 wonderful children that I'm most proud of, ages 22 and 25.  My daughter who is 22 is a senior in college this year studying finance and law while my 25 year old son is in broadcasting, and has his own TV series.

2. My best buds are Trek & Cody - my dogs.  We hang out together all the time and they love going swimming and lounging on their rafts.

3. My husband and I have been happily married for 27 years and were best of friends for 11 years before we got married.  We've know each more than 1/2 our lives.

4. I come from a family of artists.  My father was a builder and developer, my mom an artist, my oldest sister a designer, and my middle sister an artist and sculptor. I'm the youngest.

5. Growing up I was a tomboy.  I use to jump from one rooftop to the next and climb the trellis'.  I was one big bruise and skinny as a rail.

6.  If I had my choice I'd live on chocolate.

7. Nothing makes me happier than to put a smile on someones face, young or old, because of something I have taught them, done for them or shared with them.

Here's my award to 15 amazing bloggers that I've enjoyed getting to know through their site.  I will say, that Ann from Cooking Healthy for Me, is at the top of my list.  However Ann, if you're reading this, you don't have to go and post all this again.  Just know I enjoy your site and knowing you.

Now for my list of 15 bloggers.  I look forward to hearing what you have to share.
9. Food for My Family
10. What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine
11. Cosmopolitan Currymania
12. Spicie Foodie
13. DIY du Jour
14 .Food and Thrift
15. Not Rachel Ray

There are so many wonderful bloggers out there that share fun ideas, thoughts, recipes, crafts, knowledge, etc., I could list them all day, but I'm only suppose to put down fifteen.

Thanks again, Ann!

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