
Thursday 24 February 2011

Sweet & Savory Pecans

Are you having an Oscar Party on Sunday?  Here are some great roasted pecans that have some unusual ingredients but pack the punch.

Rather than the typical candied pecans try something different.  These nuts have a hint of sweetness to them but more of that savory flavor.  They're perfect to set out on the table for all your guests to nibble, yet so addicting you might need to make more than one batch.

Just one more thing to add to your Oscar Party menu!

Sweet & Savory Pecans
(makes 2 cups)


1 large egg white
3 tbsp. dark brown sugar
1 tbsp. kosher salt
2 tsp. dried oregano
3/4 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 heaping tsp. cayenne pepper
Pinch of  ground cloves
2 cup unsalted pecans or mixed nuts


Preheat oven to 250 F. degrees.  Line a baking sheet with heavy duty foil.

Whisk the egg white, brown sugar, salt, oregano, coriander, cumin, cayenne, and cloves in a medium bowl until thoroughly blended and slightly foamy.

Add the nuts and toss to coat evenly.

Spread nuts onto prepared baking sheet and roast, stirring every 15 minutes, for 45 minutes. 

Nuts will be fragrant and slightly darker but still a bit moist (they will crisp as they cool).

Cool completely on a pan and serve at room temperature. 

Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.


Monday 21 February 2011

Get Ready for Grilling Season!

Grilling season is almost upon us.  Depending on where you live it might be available year round.  However, here in the midwest we can comfortably grill outdoors in the spring, summer and fall.  I'll still grill during the winter but not if the temperature is in the teens or if we have freezing rain or snow. 

The past few days it's been 60-75 degrees here, so I've been grilling our dinners.  Well, wouldn't you know it, today it's cold and windy with rain and sleet.  So I guess I won't be grilling tonight as planned.  It's just too bone chilling, not at all fun for me.

However, grilling season is officially just a few weeks away.  Are you ready for it?  Would you like to learn some new recipes to WOW your family and friends with this spring and summer?  If so, I have some fun and delicious menus to help.

Choose this "Special Occasion" menu above creating a heavenly Grilled Fish with a Roasted Red Pepper, Corn and Tomato Salsa....

Visit Italy and go "Under the Tuscan Sun" and learn to make Chicken Under A Brick (Pollo al Mattone)....

How about a "Mexican Fiesta" while we grill up some Beef Fajitas....

Or, are you just looking to have fun with food and friends?  Then try to "Skewer It" with a variety of fun skewered dishes to treat yourself to starting with Chicken Satay among several others.

Each menu is complete with appetizer, entree, sides and dessert.  So get a jump start on the grilling season and be ready to party outdoors with friends.

Contact me to schedule a fun grilling class at your home, just for you, with a group of your friends or co-workers.  It's the perfect way to spend by the BBQ and in the relaxing environment of your home.

Pricing and menus available upon request.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Now I've heard everything!

Today I was listening to Sirius Radio while driving - The Martha Stewart station.  I love that station since it's mostly about food.  From morning to night they have various chefs, foodies, designers and even pet people on.  I enjoy what they have to share and often even call in to make comments.

Today however, I heard something that I just couldn't believe.  You've heard of beef filets, filet mignons, center cuts but have you ever heard of a PIZZA FILET?  Apparently it's becoming the rage on the east coast. 

Of course, most of us have heard of pizza by the slice and that's perfect when you're out at an event or even at a shopping mall.  However, now in some places you can order the center cut or filet of the pizza without the outer crust.  These pizzas are typically cut into squares rather than wedges. 

I think it's a great idea, although it could be a bit wasteful.  I personally love the center cut or filet of the pizza.  I could do without the crust.  I like the meat of the pizza so to speak, or the ooey gooey cheese that you always get in the center.  This new way to order is right up my alley.

What about you?  Do you prefer the crust or the filet? What do you think of this concept?  I'd love to hear your comments.

As long as you're posting your comments, please tell us who makes your favorite pizza and what type of toppings do you prefer when ordering?

Sunday 13 February 2011

Chocolate Raspberry Wonton Hearts

I thought it might be fun to try something new for Valentine's Day this year.  Since I'll be busy tomorrow during the day getting ready for a class to teach I wanted it to be a simple dessert to go with my Valentine dinner. 

I lucked out this year because the weather in Missouri will be in the high 50s tomorrow.  A huge difference from last week and the past month where we've had single digit temperatures with tons of snow.  So to celebrate I'm going to grill tomorrow evening (Valentine's Day) and make this special dessert.

It's a little off the wall yet fun and unique. The best part is it's a cinch to make.

I made this and plated it several different ways which I'll show below.  I have to say I truely enjoyed all three versions but, my favorite was when I drizzled it with both the Raspberry Balsamic Reduction and Chocolate Sauce.

A simple dessert with simple ingredients.  What could be better except of course tasting it.  Make as many or as few as you like. 

Chocolate Raspberry Wonton Hearts


Chocolate chips (any variety will work)
Butter, melted
Raspberry Balsamic Reduction (optional)
Chocolate Sauce (optional)
Powdered Sugar (optional)
Vanilla Ice Cream (optional) or Raspberry Swirl; Chocolate, etc

Preheat oven to 350 F. degrees


Place wontons on a smooth surface.  You will need 2 wontons to make a single Chocolate Raspberry Wonton Heart.

Spread melted butter around the edges of one of each pair of wontons.  On the wonton with butter, place 2 raspberries and a small handful of chocolate chips or desired chocolate.

Place other half of wonton on top of the wonton with raspberry and chocolates trying to get the edges to meet as closely as possible. 
Take a heart shaped cookie cutter (optional but cute) and cut the wonton.  If necessary use the tip of a sharp paring knife to cut through the wonton and carefully remove the excess leaving the heart shape. Then with the tip of a fork press down the edges of the heart shaped wonton to seal.                

Set on a foil lined tray that's coated with the butter.  Brush melted butter over the tops of each wonton heart and if desired, sprinkle with granulated sugar.  Continue for each wonton. 

Place in preheated 350 F. degree oven for approximately 8-10 minutes.  Remove from oven and place 2 wontons on a plate with ice cream and drizzle with Raspberry Balsamic Reduction and Chocolate Sauce or Powdered Sugar. Serve while still warm.

The wontons can be prepped ahead of time and left in the refrigerator until just before serving.  Then place in the oven.

These couldn't have been simplier to make.  I purchased ready-made Raspberry Balsamic Reduction at a store here in town however, you can make some or omit it and just use chocolate sauce or the powdered sugar.

 Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Chocolate Truffles

Truffles are the perfect Valentine's dessert. They're soft, luscious and succulent. Although you can purchase these decadent balls of chocolate at most Confectioners in town why not make them? They're really very simple to put together and let's face it, much more meaningful and romantic to give.

Chocolate Truffles should always have a ganache center and be round just like the fungus which they are named after. They can be made in a variety of flavors and finished with a simple cocoa powder dusting, chopped nuts, sprinkles, coconut, etc. Basically whatever suits you.

Ganache, which in this case is the center of the truffle, is a mixture of heavy cream and chocolate that is also widely used for fillings or glazes on cakes and pastries. Even though they have cream in them, they can be stored at room temperature for more than a week. Although I doubt they'll last that long.

Always use the best ingredients. When making truffles you don't want to go for the low-cal version.
  • always use heavy cream, which has a high butterfat content. Using a lighter cream will affect the way the ganache sets and handles
  • although it's not necessary to add corn syrup when making truffles it helps to keep the ganache smooth and preserve it.
  • feel free to add different flavoring ingredients from liquors, fruit juices, purees, and even spices (be daring).
  • adding butter isn't necessary either however it gives the truffle that more melt in your mouth sensation. Always use unsalted though if adding.
  • most important of course is the Chocolate which is the principal flavor in the truffle centers. Use only good quality chocolate in your ganache. It will make the difference from a Rolls Royce to a Pinto (I'm probably dating myself with that comparison).
Try these simple steps and you're sure to satisfy anyone this Valentine's Day!

Dark Chocolate Truffles
(makes 60 pieces)

1 cup Heavy Cream
2 Tbsp. Light corn syrup
1 Tbsp. Butter, unsalted and softened
2 1/3 cups Dark Chocolate, chopped

2 cups Dark Chocolate chopped for dipping
  1. line a 9x13 inch baking pan with parchment paper
  2. combine the cream and corn syrup in a 2qt. saucepan and bring to a boil
  3. remove from the heat. Add butter and chopped chocolate to the cream and stir until smooth.
  4. Pour the finished ganache into the baking pan to make a thin layer, then cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm.
  5. Put the firm ganache in a bowl and mix with a spatula.
  6. Allow the ganache to rest a room temperature for 5 minutes. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
  7. Using a small ice cream scoop or teaspoon, scoop out balls of ganache and place on the sheet pan at room temp.
  8. When all the ganache has been scooped and placed on the sheet pan, roll each portion by hand into a round ball.
  9. Melt the additional 2 cups chocolate over a double boiler to be used for dipping.
  10. Dip the ganache centers into the melted chocolate and place on parchment lined paper OR
  11. If desired, after dipping, but before the chocolate sets fully, dust or decorate with anything you desire. Example: cocoa powder, coffee granules, coconut, nuts, etc. Then place on parchment lined paper to set.

    Enjoy this luscious and romantic treat. Be daring and add some of your favorite ingredients to the ganache as well as the topping.
Note: If you'd like to learn more about Chocolate Truffles and how to make a variety of these luscious treats, call or email me for an in-home culinary class. It also makes for a fun party idea!

Monday 7 February 2011

Chocolate is Better for you Than Fruit!

A recent study found that Chocolate is better for you than Fruit. This finding comes out just in time for Valentine's Day. No need to feel guilty now, go ahead, indulge in that luscious, creamy chocolate this February 14th.

Here's the report plus check back tomorrow for a simple and satisfyng Chocolate Truffle Recipe you can make for you & your honey this Valentine's Day.

Chocolate health compounds revealed(UKPA) – 1 day ago

Chocolate contains more healthy plant compounds, gram-for-gram, than fruit juice, a study has found.

Scientists compared cocoa powder, the raw ingredient of chocolate, and powders made from fruit.

They found that the cocoa had a greater content of flavanols, health-giving plant chemicals, and more antioxidant capacity.

Comparisons were also made between single servings of dark chocolate, cocoa, hot chocolate mix, and fruit juices.

The research again showed that both dark chocolate and cocoa had more antioxidant activity and more flavanols than fruit.

But hot chocolate contained few healthy ingredients due to processing.

Antioxidants, which include flavanols, neutralise destructive molecules called free radicals and are believed to combat heart disease and cancer.

The research, conducted by scientists at the Hershey Centre for Health & Nutrition, in Pennsylvania, US, appears in the Chemistry Central Journal.

Lead author Dr Debra Millar and colleagues wrote: "Natural cocoa powder and dark chocolate have significantly greater TF (total flavanol) values than the other fruit powders and juices tested, respectively.

"Cocoa powder... provides nutritive value beyond that derived from its macronutrient composition. Cacao seeds should be considered a 'super fruit' and products derived from cacao seed extracts, such as natural cocoa powder and dark chocolate, as 'super foods'."

Of course, we do know that fruit is great for our bodies. So why not combine the two this Valentine's Day by making Chocolate Fondue and dipping all sorts of fruit into it. Then you'll have the best of both worlds!

Chocolate & Fruit - YUM!!!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Super Bowl - Meatloaf Cupcakes!

It's amazing what you can do to make food fun. Although my photo below isn't great I thought it would be a good idea to show what it looks like just out of the oven.

I understand that meatloaf cupcakes are the rage now for catering companies. When I heard this and saw another food blogger post a comment about it I thought I would try and make them. Plus, I think this would be a great Super Bowl item to add to your Game Day Menu. They're easy to eat and delicious!

You can use my recipe, or use the meatloaf recipe that you always use. Just remember to cut the cooking time down to only 30 minutes. My typical recipe cooks for 90 minutes.

I used the recipe I always use for my meatloaf only I put them in a large muffin tin, sprayed with non-stick spray.

I put the raw meatloaf mixture into the individual muffin cups patting down well to fill each tin completely. Then I spread the sauce over the tops of each meatloaf cupcake and placed the pan into the oven at 350 degrees for just 25 minutes. Much less time than it takes for a loaf to cook.

After 25 minutes I piped the sweet potato puree that I made onto each cupcake and let it continue to cook for another 5 minutes.

Each one was so easy to scoop out of their individual cups right onto a plate. I served it with a salad and it was perfect, delicious and fun to eat!

Here's a photo of one that I placed on a plate after I deleted some of the photos off my memory card. I think it would look nice as well with some of the extra puree piped around the cupcake for looks. However, we'd already eaten the remaining sweet potato puree by the time I cleared my memory card.

While eating, it occurred to me that these would taste outstanding piped with soft cheddar cheese on top as they came out of the oven, rather than the potatoes. I love soft cheddar cheese. I definitely think I'll have to try that next time.

Here's my meatloaf recipe followed by the recipe for the sweet potato puree.

serves 6

2 1/2 pounds ground beef, (I use ground sirloin)
1 cup milk, (skim)
1/4 cup dried minced onion
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup dried parsley flakes
1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper


1/2 cup chili sauce (Heinz)
1/2 tsp. Kitchen Bouquet
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. dry mustard


Mix all ingredients except sauce in a bowl. Put into a loaf pan that's been sprayed with a non-stick spray. This may be done the day before or early in the day.

Bake at 350F degree oven for 25 minutes, then pipe on the sweet potato puree and bake for 5 more minutes.

The sweet potatoe puree was easy to make.

Sweet Potato Puree
3 sweet potatoes
skim milk
1 tbsp. low fat butter

Cooked potatoes in water for approximately 30-45 minutes at a low simmer until the tip of a knife can be inserted easily.

Drain, then run cold water over them and let them cool for about 15 minutes before handling them. Peel skins off and place in a large bowl. Add skim milk, heavy cream or half and half, plus butter. Whip using a hand mixer to make sure it's a very smooth consistency.

Place in a piping bag fitted with a star tip and add the sweet potato puree to the bag. When meatloaf cupcakes have cooked for 25 minutes, open oven and carefully pipe the puree on top. Close oven and cook for an additional 5 minutes.

Remove from oven and serve.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Homemade Play-Dough for a Winters Day!

What's a mother or father to do with the kids when the weather is icy, snowy and bitterly cold outside?

When my kids were younger, they're now is their 20s, one of their favortie things to do on a cold snowy day, rainy day or even when they were home sick was to make homemade play-dough.

This simple recipe would keep them entertained for hours. Although I enjoyed sitting at the table with them while they made their creations, it gave me a little break as well.

So if you're all going stir crazy this week because of our historic weather conditions take a look in your pantry for the ingredients listed below.

Have fun with your kids while still having quiet time.

Homemade Play-Dough


· 2 1/2 cups flour

· 1/2 cup salt

· 1 tablespoon Alum (can be found in the spice section at the grocery store)

· 1 3/4 cups boiling water (can use from your coffee pot)

· 2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil

· Lots of food coloring


Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Mix the alum, water, oil and food coloring in a separate bowl; add to the flour-salt mixture. Knead well, adding extra flour if sticky. Now you're ready to create with your play dough, which can be stored in an airtight container or zip-lock baggie for several months with no refrigeration needed.

Note: One of our favorite tools to use while rolling out and shaping our play-dough was a garlic press. It makes the most fantastic hair for their animated creations.
